About The Classes

The basic elements of the Kids & Teen acting classes are scene study, improvisation, acting techniques,

auditioning, and the acting business.

Deena trains her students to develop a solid acting foundation so that they will feel free, have fun, and be confident in any role they undertake.

This work teaches students to break down a script and discover their characters.

Every class begins with improvisation and acting exercises to help free the student’s imagination so that they will trust their instincts. Scene and monologue work helps students build their chops.

The students present their scenes with partners while Deena gives notes and feedback. The students work and polish their scenes under Deena’s kind but honest guidance as many times as is helpful. This is important learning for their work as well as building self-confidence for life itself.

Deena Freeman Golden Girls

A modern approach

​There are a variety of optional specialty classes including:​

  • Improvisation classes taught by various professional improvisational actors 

  • How to Book the Room where students learn the techniques of auditioning

  • The Business of Acting is a seminar for students and parents that provides a practical, comprehensive understanding of the industry and how it works. It gives insight into how to market yourself and how to get an agent.

Meet Deena Freeman

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